Meet the All-in-One That Rules-Them-All

One does not simply compromise, says T+A Elektroakustik

T+A R 2500 R

The T+A R 2500 R brings you the magic of high-end separates sitting on just one shelf.

Sometimes, in hi-fi, an all-in-one product is a box of compromises. Specifically, compromises made for a marketing department that got together one morning and told the engineers, "People want EASY. Easy, easy, easy. No cables, no multiple boxes. Screens. Screens are good. Buttons, big buttons, but not too many. Oh, and a knob, at least one knob."

So the engineers work out a way to cram everything into one box with a shared power supply (that's the biggest issue, the common PSU) and end up with a product that sounds like it was, well, designed by a committee.

But sometimes, hi-fi companies get the vision right and come up with all-in-ones that are so good that they are in danger of cannibalizing the sales of separates. Naim did this with the Atom. And T+A has quietly done this for years, with even its lifestyle Caruso models making audiophiles do double takes as they walk past.

The T+A R 2500 R is no lifestyle product, though. Being one of the R series, it presents like a solid, weighty block of silver or black metal (at nearly 31 lb.) and has a sound that is so unexpectedly authoritative and layered that it was the star of one of our recent in-store events.

Fast Power Supplies

As mentioned earlier, the biggest issue with non-separates is not so much the sharing of space in the chassis but the sharing of a power supply. These days, when digital and analog circuits share energy sources, you see more "hybrid" power supplies that use both switching and linear circuits. A switching supply offers the speed needed to re-create the square waves of digital signals, and a linear supply provides the low noise and interference needed by analog circuits. (In both cases, it's not actually the circuits that need these, but your ears).

T+A effects a hybrid design with a sinusoidal power supply that operates at an extremely high frequency, recharging the capacitors 100,000 times a second, versus the more common 50 times a second. So, whether it's square waves for the streamer, or triangle hits for the amplifier, the power supply is able to swiftly respond.

It's this power supply that Elliott Schultz, the Southern regional sales manager for T+A North America, called out as the biggest attraction of the R 2500 R. He recalled the moment he first heard the product at a Florida audio show where it was paired with T+A's entry to their amazing Solitaire speaker line, the S 430. (It's worth reminding everyone that T+A started as a loudspeaker company and though it's known for it electronics in the US market, it is famed for its speakers in Europe.)

"It was dynamic but not edgy.... smooth and with more than enough power to drive the 86 dB S 430's," recalled Elliott, this clearly being one of those special surprise moments in a hi-fi enthusiast's journey.

We'll admit, at just over $18,000, this is an expensive "just add speakers" product. But when you factor in the care and engineering that has gone into each of the sections—CD transport, streamer, DAC, tuner, preamp, and dual mono power amps—this really is a case of seven high-end separates that happen to occupy just one shelf.

T+A Elektroakoustik R 2500 R Multi Source Receiver and CD-Player
T+A Elektroakoustik R 2500 R
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The Only Time You Cut Costs on a Doctor

Record Doctor VI recording cleaning machine

The Record Doctor VI recording cleaning machine saves money by not being fully automatic.

One of the most value-for-money sonic upgrades in audio is to clean your LPs. (Well, maybe just behind the 0.07 cent "Q-tips upgrade" to your ears). Until you are able to justify a high-end cavitation-based cleaner, the Record Doctor VI is more than capable of letting you hear ever deeper into your records.

Julie Mullins wrote in The Absolute Sound when awarding the Doctor with the 2020 Editors' Choice Award, “For those who love and care for their vinyl but don’t want to break the bank on a cleaner, the Record Doctor VI offers a smart design compromise that keeps its—and yours—costs down."

While most functions are performed manually, the good Doctor still uses a powerful motor-driven vacuum to handle the final step of fluid, dust, and dirt extraction. "Setup and operation are a snap," said Julie.

If you're a "weight weenie" in your hobby, whether road cycling, car racing, or photography, you'll love the carbon fiber finish, but move quickly, as we have only a few left. And if we run out, the handsome high-gloss black will not disappoint.

Record Doctor VI recording cleaning machine
Record Doctor VI Record Cleaning Machine
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New Video: Fyne Audio SuperTrax

Welcome to Upscale Audio! In today's video, Kevin dives into the world of high-frequency audio performance with the brand-new Fyne Audio SuperTrax Supertweeter. We're excited to give you an in-depth look at this cutting-edge component, designed to enhance your listening experience by delivering pristine high-frequency detail.