Who Made You the Audiophile You Are Today?

Happy Father's Day

Many of Us Learned HiFi from Dad


Audiophile Father's Day

For Some, Our HiFi Story Starts with Dad

Hi-fi has never been all about the music. We know this. If it were all about the music, we wouldn’t care so deeply about soundstage width or frequency extension. We wouldn’t argue so passionately about file formats and output stages. We wouldn’t get so worked up about accessories and tweaks.

Hi-fi is about the music and the gear. It’s about the sound and the measurements. It’s about the destination and the paths we take to get there.

But how do we get there? How did we become audiophiles and how do we introduce a younger, more diverse audience to this wonderful, fulfilling pastime? How do we cultivate the next generation of audiophiles, audio engineers, and music lovers?

We ask ourselves these questions every day. Sometimes the questions fall on tired ears. We’ve contemplated the questions so often that we’ve grown weary of them in much the same way we might grow weary of tubby bass or too-hot highs.

But on the best days — days like today — the answers to these important questions are obvious and inspiring and, beyond all, comforting.

Time and time again, whenever we look back on our own journeys into hi-fi, or whenever we’ve traded stories with you, our dear friends and customers, about the elements of your audio enthusiasm — your audiophile origin stories — those stories begin with two words: “My dad…”

My dad had a hi-fi.

My dad played records.

My dad bought me my first stereo.

The love for music and sound begins at home. And, yes, the hi-fi hobby is about a lot of things, some of which are totally silly and some of which are extremely serious. Hi-Fi is absolutely about the music. It’s also about the gear. It’s also about measurements and sound effects and tinkling glasses in smoky nightclubs.

Perhaps, most importantly, hi-fi is about love. It’s about sharing and creating memorable experiences with the people closest to us, and, like all the best things, it’s passed down from generation to generation.

Thank you for joining us on this wonderful trip. We’ll be calling our dads today to say hello and to thank them, too, for helping to make us who we are. (And, yeah, maybe also to remind them that tubes still rule.)

Classic 99: Oops! REL Did It Again

REL Classic 99
If there ever was an ever-restless team, it's John Hunter and the REL crew. Not that long after the release of the 98, the Classic line gets an older sibling, the 99.
The 99 goes to a 12" driver from the 98's 10", and extension drops a few units down to 24 Hz. The larger driver is controlled by REL's tried and tested 450 W class-D amplifier.

The result is vintage performance the way your nostalgia remembers it. What do we mean by that? If you go back and buy that beautiful wooden 1990s subwoofer you longed for in your youth, you'd probably be disappointed by its performance. Heavier, floppier drivers, slower filters, and less responsive amps will give you a sound that is far rounder, warmer, and sleepier than you remember. Your ears have changed and been forever spoiled by swift, stiff drivers in modern materials, super-quick input filters, and hugely dynamic amps.

The solution to appeasing both your vintage longing and spoiled modern hearing? REL Classic of course! These mid-century-modern and this-century-modern subs bring you the wood grain, the slight warmth, and the rich texture but without the sloppiness and rounded dynamics.
REL Classic 99
REL Acoustics Classic 99 Subwoofer