Meet Our New Loyalty Program!

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Announcing our new rewards program

Earn HiFives for every dollar you spend.

Our new rewards program is nearly here. Once you sign up, you will earn HiFives for every dollar you spend (no exclusions!) and can use your riches to buy any product. HiFives never expire and can be used even for discounted items (whether on sale, used, open, demo, or blemished) and gift cards.

  • Receive 3 HiFives for every $100 spent
  • Receive (and give) HiFives at live events
  • Final value at checkout is 1 HiFive = $1
  • Make sure you are logged into your account to receive HiFives and see your balance in your cart

Come as You Are for the Auris Nirvana

The smaller sibling of the mighty 300B Auris Headonia, the Auris Nirvana-IV uses one of our favorite (and sometimes underrated) tubes, the EL34. With a 6.5 W power output, the Nirvana performs well with every single headphone you throw at it, from the most easily driven dynamic to the hardest planar magnetic. The range of supported headphone impedances is huge – from 32 to 600 ohms.

There are two ECC82 input tubes, and the Nirvana's transformers are manually wound in-house. The circuits use only the best components from Mundorf, Rubicon, Wima, and more. There are backlit VU meters and two headphone outputs, 4-pin XLR, and 6.3mm stereo.


Auris Nirvana IV Headphone Amplifier


New Video: Tour of the Upscale Home Theater

Come along with Jake and Jordan as they show you how Upscale does home theater. As you know, our priority at Upscale is to enhance your audio experience. That's our approach to theater, so follow along as our theater experts show you how we do it.